Mandy Sigaloff, TaxAssist Accountants Managing Director, said: “We will have seven contractors who will soon graduate from the Initial Training course of the Academy Program.

“They will commence their practical experience doing individual and sole trader tax returns, company BAS lodgments, Company tax returns, Trusts and SMS (using BGL), gaining valuable supervised practical experience over the tax Season.

“All experience that they gain is documented and can be used in the Tax Agent application.

“Please do get in contact with me if you’d like to find out more about joining our popular Academy program.

“The program runs for twelve months and is a great way to ‘try before you buy’. You get technical and software training too! And the best part, you can do this while still working full-time, even if you are overseas. Specific technical training, Q&As, webinars and case studies will be provided, with over 150 training sessions available online and in person.”

For more information on TaxAssist Academy program download the Academy Prospectus.

If you’d like to register your interest in a franchise or would like to find out more of the 4 ways you can join TaxAssist, please complete the enquiry form here.

June 2024

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